About Us.

The Chartered Institute of Operations and Supply Chain Management, CIOSCM, USA,

is an American recognized chartered professional body with global interest of providing membership and professionalized chartered recognitions in the entirety of operations and supply chain management.
The Chartered Institute of Operations and Supply Chain Management, CIOSCM, USA, is a nonprofit membership organization for individuals and corporate bodies that are involved in sourcing, procurement, supply management, production, operation, logistics, transport, warehousing and stores, quality management and supply chain management.

CIOSCM, USA is a global recognized Institute which provides professional membership recognition in the areas of operations and supply chain management. 

Operations and Supply Chain Management Professionals are valued and respected in the Industry. Our membership certifications give recognitions to individuals who occupy sensitive positions in the operations and supply chains of an organization. CIOSCM USA credentials can give you that dream job.
The Chartered Institute of Operations and Supply Chain Management, COSCM, USA, empower our members and students with the sufficient knowledge required to discharge their jobs professionally in their chosen profession in respect to sourcing, procurement, production, operations, quality management, supply chain management, supply management, inventory management, logistics, transport, warehousing, and stores management.


Our Vision

To be a global community for operations and supply chain management professionals worldwide

Our Mission

To use our training platform to advanced and promote knowledge in Operations and Supply Chain Management entirety.

CIOSCM, USA membership and specialized chartered programs is focus on training both professionals and potential professionals with the aim to meet the demand of the markets. Operations and supply chain management professionals play vital roles in an organization and the demand of these professionals keep increasing. With CIOSCM USA you can proof that you understand the dynamics of the markets in respect to operations and supply chain management.

In CIOSCM USA we understand that operations and supply chain management is a key department in manufacturing and service industries and most employees who occupy these sensitive positions lacks the prerequisite certifications to establish competency.  Considering the importance of operations and supply chain management in organizations, it becomes pertinent to have trained personnel with relevant credentials to act in the capacity of operations managers or supply chain managers in an organization.

The Chartered Institute of Operations and Supply Chain Management USA is that professional recognition you need to professionally distinguish yourself globally in the industry. Our membership programs are very unique and tent to prepare you and make you professional fit for the job. Whether you are joining us as an employer or employee, you will find our training very interesting and focus on the subject matter. At the end of the training you will understand the benefit of becoming a chartered professional with an American Chartered Professional body in Operations and Supply Chain Management.

The Chartered Institute of Operations and Supply Chain Management, CIOSCM, USA, membership is by examinations. We ensure that our prospective members go through our professional training and upon passing the required examinations will be conferred with the appropriate chartered membership status. CIOSCM, USA believes that training and retraining is the best way to make both the employers and employees fit in the market. The markets are very competitive as a result of economic forces that place the market on a competitive state. It is on this ground that trained and chartered professionals should be allowed to manage and head sensitive department in any organization. With CIOSCM, USA you will be well equipped on operations management and supply chain management. You will understand how supply chain works in an organization. Our training concept is not limited to operations and supply chain management but also focus on return on investment which is the core reason for investment. Whether you are in the manufacturing sector, oil and gas sector, health sector, information technology sector, telecommunication sector, construction sector, agricultural sector, distribution and retail sector, finance sector, logistics and transport sector, tourism and hospitality sector, educational sector or any other sector, you will find our training useful and impactful because operations and supply chain management is an integral part of any organization.

Operations and Supply Chain Management is the focus of any organization. The success or failure of any organization is determined by the operations and supply chain management pattern been adopted. This is because goods and services flow from organizations to customers and payment flow from customers to organization. For this to be possible, money must be converted into goods and services and latter these goods and services are converted into money. Operations and supply chain management ensures that money is efficiently and effectively converted into goods and services and these goods and services are effectively converted into money which is the return on investment.

In CIOSCM, USA our members are exposed with the relevant knowledge that is required to make this possible. It is a task that requires both academic and professional mentorship, which CIOSCM has decided to discharge in good faith.

The Chartered Institute of Operations and Supply Chain Management, CIOSCM, USA